Banking and Finance

The banking and finance sector has stringent security process certifications in place for introducing new technologies. Often, these limitations pose challenges for using standard technologies in everyday corporate meetings.


  • Dongle solutions with internal USB memory (e.g., Barco ClickShare)
  • Driver or app installation on employee/guest laptops
  • Network requirements for meeting room technologies
  • User-identified accounts in shared room technologies

Mago Essential and the BYOM kit address these limitations with a single product that is available as a standalone solution or integrated into the existing UCC system.

Our BYOM dongle is memory-free and doesn't require drivers or apps to run, making it suitable for hosting conferences on highly secured Windows or Mac laptops.

Our casting device works in any VLAN and offers five secure methods to present content:

  • Miracast™ Wi-Fi direct/infrastructure
  • AirPlay™
  • Google Cast™
  • Magolink
  • Wired via HDMI-in or USB-C*

*USB-C require an additional certified switcher (Lightware or Inogeni)